How to Sew a Quilt Block Onto a Garment

Here’s my favorite way to sew a quilt block onto a garment. I came up with this method so that I wouldn’t have to fuss over folding the unfinished edges and corners in place when sewing the block down. It makes for a neatly finished block.

First, cut a square the size of your quilt block for the lining. Choose a thin fabric such as muslin or a repurposed sheet or pillowcase.

Place your quilt block on your work surface with the right side facing up. Then place the lining fabric on top of it with it’s wrong side facing up.

Sew along the perimeter of the block using a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Stop about 2-3 inches from where you began to leave an opening to turn the block to it’s right side.

Turn the block to the right side through the opening. It will look all crumply at first but use a chopstick or dull pencil to push the corners out.

Now give the block a good press with an iron and situate the lining neatly around the perimeter. Press the seam allowance at the opening to the inside of the block.

Place the block onto your garment and center it how you want it. You can do this by eye or you might want to measure to make sure it’s centered. Once you have it how you like it, pin it to your garment.

Sew the block to your garment using a whip stitch. You can use a sewing machine if you wish, but I prefer the hand stitched look and it only takes a few minutes to do. That’s it folks! Now you can sew quilt blocks onto everything.

sara buscaglia

Textile artist and natural dye farmer.

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