Bismark Hat
I knit up a quick buffalo check Bismark Hat with the yarn leftover from my Polina sweater.
Tips for Naturally Dyeing Sashiko Thread
In this post I share some tips to achieve good results when mordanting and naturally dyeing sashiko thread.
Ribbon Star Quilt Block Tutorial
This Ribbon Star quilt block tutorial makes a 12” block, but also explains how you can make the block in any size you wish.
A Homegrown Handspun Sweater Part 2
My Polina Pullover! Made from the wool of our sheep that I handspun, and naturally dyed with homegrown plants from our farm.
Variable Star Quilt Block Tutorial
This tutorial explains how to make a Variable Star (otherwise known as Ohio Star) quilt block from scratch in any custom size you desire.
Seed Storage Solution
After 25 years of farming I finally came up with a seed storage solution! This method can be scaled to work for home gardeners and market farmers alike. Stop wasting time looking for the seed packs you need!
Cold Tolerant Crops to Plant in Early Spring
There are many cold tolerant crops that can be planted in late winter and early spring when it’s still frosty out. This is a list of what we plant on our farm in Colorado in March. Click on the link to download and print out the free PDF to keep this list in your back pocket.
Quarter Square Triangle Tutorial
This tutorial shares how to make two or three colored quarter-square-triangles, also known as hour glass blocks, in any custom size you desire. Use the QST’s as standalone blocks to make beautiful quilts or to make a star quilt block.
A Homegrown Handspun Sweater Part 1
Recently I felt an urge to make a sweater from scratch, yarn and all, so I designated some time in the evenings to work on it.
Clay Resist Polka Dots
Here’s an experiment I did with clay resist polka dots and light blue indigo on hemp fabric.
Legacy Quilt
This little hand appliquéd quilt tells the story of my family's legacy as stewards of the land.