Variable Star Quilt Block Tutorial
This tutorial explains how to make a Variable Star (otherwise known as Ohio Star) quilt block from scratch in any custom size you desire.
Quarter Square Triangle Tutorial
This tutorial shares how to make two or three colored quarter-square-triangles, also known as hour glass blocks, in any custom size you desire. Use the QST’s as standalone blocks to make beautiful quilts or to make a star quilt block.
How to Make a Quilt Block and HST's from Scratch
This tutorial explains how to make your own custom size quilt block from scratch without a pattern. This tutorial also introduces the two at a time method of making half square triangles (HST's) in any size you desire.
Sawtooth Star Quilt Tutorial
Today I have a fun tutorial to share with you. The traditional quilt block featured here is called Sawtooth Star. Most traditional quilt blocks are composed of simple shapes, and this one is made from squares and flying geese. If you’ve purchased my block printed flowers you will use them as the center for each star.
Marigold Quilt Dye and Sew Along Post 3
Welcome to week 3 of our Marigold Quilt dye and sew along. We are getting close to finishing our quilts and I think this will be the last post in this series. Thanks to all who’ve joined! This week’s post will focus mainly on hand quilting your quilt tops.
Marigold Quilt Dye and Sew Along Part 2
Welcome to part 2 of The Marigold Quilt dye and sew along. Are you ready to make a cute little quilt top this week? This is a satisfyingly quick quilt top to whip up! In this post I’ll share some helpful tips beyond what I shared in the instructional booklet. Let’s get to it!
Quilt Binding Tutorial
Detailed step-by-step instructions for binding a quilt with durable double-fold binding tape and mitered corners.
Nine-Patch Quilt Tutorial
In this beginner-friendly detailed tutorial you will learn how to make a nine-patch quilt from start to finish.